The first step to getting you to pain-free is to choose the package type that best suits your injury type, expectations and budget from the packages below

Silver Package


Video Conference
  • Assessment via Skype / Video / Email / Mobile
  • Skype / Video / Email / Mobile consultation
  • Personalised rehabilitation program to your email
  • One week follow up through email
  • Great for: Injuries / Pain – Diagnostic advisory Consultation


Gold PackageMost Popular


Per Month (Four Video Conference)
  • Assessment via Skype / Video / Email / Mobile
  • Video / Mobile / Skype consultation
  • Personalised rehabilitation program to your email
  • One month follow up program revisions
  • One month unlimited follow up through email
  • Great for: Injuries / Pain causing a mild to moderate interruption to your routine life


Platinum Package


Up to Three Months (12 Video Conference)
  • Assessment via Skype / Video / Email / Mobile
  • Video / Mobile / Skype consultation
  • Personalised rehabilitation program by reply to email
  • Three months follow up program revisions
  • Three months weekly / as & when required access to your physiotherapist
  • Three months weekly follow up through email
  • Great for: Post surgical rehabilitation programs, and injuries that are causing a major disruption to your routine life
  • If required to refer near by Physiotherapy Clinic / Home Service (To be charged Separately depending on Patient Condition & availability of Physiotherapist)


All above Consulting services will be Confirmed with Date & Time Slot for Skype / Video / Telecom on email after receiving payment in our bank account.
Please send the following details after making payment:
Patient’s name, bank name, branch address, payment date and amount.


Like every person, every injury is different, and your physiotherapist will take you through an extensive assessment process to work out exactly what is going on in your situation. This involves a series of questions and physical tests. Once a thorough assessment has been completed, the therapist will be able to determine what structures in your body are contributing, and therefore what your diagnosis is.

The physio will then work with you to make a plan for your recovery. This will involve some education regarding your body and your injury situation, some advice regarding any modifications you may need to make to your daily activities, and a program of specific exercises to rehabilitate your body.


Now we know what you’re thinking – how can Physiotherapy be performed online? It is often perceived as a very ‘hands on’ profession.

We have taken the physiotherapy consultation process completely online. This means that you can get your injury personally assessed and diagnosed via any combination of webforms, video consultations, email, phone and live chat. Your Physiotherapist will then formulate a rehabilitation plan specific to your needs, and convey it to you via written report, online video, and to your email.

Physiotherapy as a whole has moved away from a reliance on complex machines and manual techniques, and more towards structured rehabilitation plans that the patient carries out themselves under guidance. This can be converted surprisingly well to an online format, and there is extensive research evidence to support this.

And rest assured, if we feel that you do need to see a Physiotherapist or other health professional ‘face to face’, we will certainly let you know.

If you have any questions, or wish to know if your injury is suitable for a Online Physio consultation, contact us to find out and have all of your questions answered.



The online physiotherapy consultation process is almost the same as if you were to visit us in a centre. You still receive all of the benefits, just delivered online instead.


Choose the recovery package that suits your injury – there are three packages to choose from


Answer a series of questions via our online form and video consultation (depending on package chosen)


Your physiotherapist diagnoses the issue and creates a customised rehabilitation program for you


Receive your personalised rehabilitation program via report and email, and complete the exercises


Follow up to ensure a complete recovery, and to prevent the injury from recurring down the track